Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mr/Mrs Neva Mattheiss of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Baltimore.

When I celebrated the tenth anniversary of  my priestly ordination on April 19th 2011 in the Church of the Immaculate heart of Mary, two people were particularly touched by my story, Maura Ford, and Mr/Mrs Neva Mattheiss. Maura was an altar girl, and she pledged to give her own help for Kumbo kids which she substantially did. Mr/Mrs. Neva Mattheiss did not only help, but have continued to be of help till now. On Tuesday April 23, 2013, I received a substantial donation from them. 
 I therefore extend the best wishes of those children whose lives have changed to Maura and Mr/Mrs Neva Mattheiss. The children have promised their relentless effort to pray for you and to study harder so that at the end, they too will be of help to others.
I equally acknowledge the regular support from Mr. Andrew Gutierrez, 6042 Wood Pass San Antonio, TX 78249.  Andrew has pledged a monthly support, whic he has faithfully kept. May God replenish your effort with plenty.
 Good and gracious Lord, bless and reward these people for their kindness.